Terms and Conditions

Last updated on May 5, 2021

General Information

In this Terms and Conditions (“Terms” or “T&C”), "Flex Connection Ltd" will herein pertain to as "Flex Connection".

Flex Connection is a website operated exclusively by Flex Connection Ltd., with the uniform resource locator (“URL”), https://www.flexconnection.global. Before using this website (“Site”), please read the Terms (“T&C”) set herein to have a well-informed decision in accessing information, sharing your personal information as well as using the services (“Services”) provided by the Site.

The T&C shall be applicable to all users, visitors and other individuals, institutions and/or organizations who access the Site. By using the Site, you hereby bound to agree with these Terms. If you disagree with any of them, DO NOT use the Site.


The Site provides access to substantial information about Flex Connection’s brief company information, wide range of products, and contact information through texts, graphics and/or materials that best serve the purposes of this Site and Flex Connection as a business organization.

It also allows you to submit your personal information such as name, email address, phone number, company name and company location, region and country for our legitimate business purposes (“Business Purposes”) they may serve. In doing so, you hereby give us your consent in processing the information you submitted to us. You also give the Site the guarantee that all of your submitted information are certified true and correct to the best of your knowledge.


The Site uses cookies. By using the Site, you hereby agree with the use of cookies as mentioned in our Privacy Policy.

Flex Connection utilizes the use of cookies to give you the optimal user experience (“UX”) that makes it easier to use the Site. Through the use of cookies, the Site is also able to collect information (“Log Data”) that include details like browser characteristics, operating system (“OS”), location, country and language preference (“language”).

Once cookies are disabled, some pages of the Site and their functionalities are inaccessible.

Use of Site

In using this Site, it gives you the rights to access the information stated herein given the fact that you must not:

  • Impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any personnel from Flex Connection and other individual or entity

  • Submit, upload and/or transmit, promote or distribute any information to the Site that are deemed as harmful, illegal, obscene, sexual, discriminatory, abusive and threatening to any individual and/or entity by any means

  • Upload, propagate or spread information, software and materials that infringes on other parties’ IP rights and/or electronic materials that can harm the Site itself and its users such as Trojan horse, worms, spyware, malware, bots and other forms of virus

  • Collect personal information of other users such as name, email address, phone number, company name and company location, region and country and other forms of confidential information

  • Send any form of promotion and other forms of advertising to the Site and to other users, email spam (“Spam”), junk mails (“Junk”), petitions for money or signature (“Petitions”) and the like, especially those that disobey the governing laws of any local, national or international government


Flex Connection reserves the full intellectual property (“IP”) rights for all of the materials and/or content used in the Site. In using the Site, you are strictly prohibited from:

  • Republish any material of the Site

  • Copy, duplicate or steal any part of the Site

  • Sell, rent or sub-license any material from the Site

  • Redistribute any material in the Site for commercial uses

  • Use the site for transactions that are prohibited by the law


Flex Connection shall permit safe and reliable search engines, business information portals/sources, trade associations, accredited online directory distributors and institutions/organizations all referred to as the linking party (“Linking Party”) excluding soliciting organizations, charity and fundraising groups to hyperlink to the Site given the condition that you are not allowed to:

  • Replicate or copy of any part of the Site by any means

  • Create frames and borders around the Site’s pages

  • Put link texts intended to redirect to the Site that are inappropriate, deceptive and misleading

  • Hack or perform any unauthorized process that is highly detrimental to the security of the Site and its users

  • Link websites that contain harmful, illegal, fraudulent, obscene, sexual, discriminatory, abusive and threatening to any individual, entity or to the Flex Connection itself and its Site administrators

  • Deceptively promote products and/or services and falsely implicate that the Site is recommending, sponsoring or promoting such

  • Use Flex Connection’s logo or any material from the Site

  • Commit any action that is deemed unlawful by any local, national or international government

Failure to comply with the conditions written above shall give the Site’s administrators the sole discretion to reject the linking party’s request to link any part of their websites or content to the Site itself.

If you wish to link to the Site, please send an email to support@flexconnection.global. Kindly send in details such as name, organization/company name, contact information, website URL and the list of links you want to hyperlink to the Site.

If you find any website linking to the Site that is harmful, illegal, fraudulent, obscene, sexual, discriminatory, abusive and threatening, do not hesitate to let us know and request for its unliking from the Site. The Site administrators shall take your request into consideration, but cannot fully guarantee for an immediate action.


The information provided by the Site is designed for the legitimate business purposes of Flex Connection. While the Site administrators are keeping up their efforts to provide updated and accurate information, Flex Connection makes no representations or warranties of their 100% correctness, completeness, suitability, and reliability.

Moreover, Flex Connection reserves it sole discretion to discontinue, change or halt the publication of the Site at any time without notice or explanation. The Site administrators are rightful to commit any action (as long as permitted by the applicable laws) that fully controls the Site for the best of the Flex Connection’s business objectives.

To the extent permitted by law, you hereby understand that Flex Connection, any of its directors, administrators, officers, employees and representatives collectively referred to as the “Company” assumes NO liability or responsibility for:

  • Any form of loss or damage, be it direct, indirect, economic or consequential damage caused or allegedly caused by using or linking to the Site

  • Any deceptive or fraudulent misrepresentation of the third party sites or linking sites’ nature, content, products and/or services, and availability

  • Any corruption of data, software or database

  • Any death or personal injury arising from negligence

  • Any liability that is deemed unlawful under the applicable laws and that is beyond the Company’s reasonable control


If you violate the T&C stated herein or the Site administrators suspect you for violating any of these Terms, we have the right to:

  • Formally send a warning

  • Temporarily deny you the full access to the Site

  • Permanently ban you from accessing the Site

  • Block any device you use through your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address to prohibit you from entering the Site

  • Take necessary legal action against with the intervention of the respective enforcement authorities

Agreement with the Terms

As mentioned previously, your use of the Site shall constitute your agreement and compliance with the Terms stated herein. Our Site’s Terms and Conditions (T&C) may be updated without further notice. Therefore, you need to refer to our T&C occasionally to be aware of any changes and/or additions in our Terms.

Do you want to get started?



FLEX Connection Ltd

Unit 8  Campus Five
Third Avenue
United Kingdom

North America

FLEX Connection LLC

4500 Red Arrow Hwy
Unit E

Hong Kong

FLEX Connection Ltd

Unit 5/6
6F Westley Square
48 Hoi Yuen Road
Kwun Tong
Hong Kong


FLEX Connection

Unit 613A-615
Floor 6  Block A
Commercial Bldg 
99 Dahe Road
Long Hua District
Shenzhen China


FLEX Connection

Avenida Cassiano Ricardo
nº 601  Sala 61 Jd.
Aquarius Ed.
The One Office Tower
São José dos Campos
SP 12246-870